I just finished helping two clients close on a simultaneous transaction.

I’m here with two clients, Jeremy and Lee. We just closed on selling their condo. We had two offers. The first one fell through, then a second one completed the deal. Here’s what Jeremy and Lee had to share about what this transaction was like:

Thank you for helping us through this whole process. You made it really awesome and very easy for us. One of our favorite parts was putting a candy bowl out. Once we did that, we finally got the person to go through with the purchase of our condo. Another was getting that money from the sale of the condo into the account so I could pay off my student debt. The hunt for this new house that we just finalized today was very quick and satisfying to go through. It wasn’t the nightmare you hear about.

Thank you for trusting us with this important decision. I wish Jeremy and Lee so many amazing memories in their home. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you reach your real estate goals.