Here are the best small projects to tackle around your home before fall arrives.

To give your home a fun, new curb appeal before we head into the fall and winter months, here are six key home projects to accomplish:

1. Paint the front door a new color. If you’ve always wanted a pink, red, yellow, or purple door, now’s the time to change it. Have fun with it! Doors make such a valuable difference in the appeal of your home.

2. Paver stone pathways. Many Coloradoans have issues with cracks in their concrete pathways from the shifting soil and rapid temperature changes. One solution for this issue is to put in paver stone pathways, which can move and undulate. They also resemble cobblestone pathways in Europe, so it can be a really cool look for your home, as well. Putting these pathways in would cost much less than the tens of thousands it would take to put in a new driveway, for example.

3. Check your roof. If you have a roof with concrete or clay tiles, be sure to have them checked because you don’t want a leak to happen when the first snow hits.

4. Check your windows. With all the different seasonal changes we get here, make sure your windows are caulked correctly so water doesn’t seep in and rot your sills. This is both a practical and inexpensive thing that can help keep your house strong.

5. Fertilize your lawn. For those who aren’t lawn buffs, it’s a good idea to fertilize your lawn three times a year. I like to add a little peat moss on top of the lawn after I aerate, reseed, and fertilize it. This will make your lawn look lush, green, and ready for next spring.

6. Plant annuals in the front yard right at the end of summer. This will bring out even more bright color as the trees start to fade away. They don’t last more than a few weeks or a couple of months, but they’ll help keep the spark alive in your front yard. 

If you get a chance, I would love to see photos of what you do with your front yard! As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you have. Looking forward to catching up with you soon!